Brainstorm for Course Revision
Course Revision Brainstorm
XCOR 3010 Design & Technology in Global Culture
Brainstorming and mind mapping is a free-associative process where individuals and teams record ideas through a conscious and subconscious process. Introduced initially through the work of Sigmund Freud, the free-associative process is often understood as a "stream of consciousness," where the mind is capable of thinking freely to form ideas.
As an essential tool for creatives, the free-associative brainstorming and mind mapping process allows thoughts to flow by connecting words or phrases. The visual outcome of a brainstorming session is a chart-like structure of lines and concept nodes linking two or more thoughts: "semantic units," or units of meaning."
The brainstorming process was used in the initial stages of revising the XCOR 3020 Design & Technology in Global Culture course for online learning.